What is Reality?
Reality is not what you think you make it, but rather, reality is what we make it to be. It is subjective to what the majority believes or thinks.
Even if this is the case, The Oxford English Dictionary as well as other dictionaries outright refused to change their definition of reality. Unbelievable! They simply refuse to acknowledge that reality’s definition is subject to the opinions and beliefs of the masses.
Now, to put a stop to this, The Ministry of Truthiness has set some projects in motion and make things happen. Foremost is to get 51% of the masses believe that this new definition to reality has already been included in the dictionaries, which technically make it true. Then, the next project is to make 51% of the people who took the wine to believe that everything is going well with Iraq and everything is under US control. Lastly, it is also The Ministry of Truthiness’ goal to convince people that most foreign nations are hiding weapons of mass destruction.
Quotable Quotes
- ‘Reality has become a commodity’ – Stephen Colbert, The Colbert Report, January 2007
- ‘Reality is what you make it’ – Santa Clause!
- ‘Has the dream been realized?’ – truthiality
- ‘Real…what?’ – Wikiliaty editor