
Beware the Pedobears


Pedobears are bears, pedobears are godless, pedobears are pedophiles. Hence, pedobears are godless pedophile bears! These pedobears are a Japanese meme.  They have become mascots of online paedophiles who prey on innocent preteen girls.

A teddy bear is cute, but a pedobear is even way cuter in appearance. Preteen innocent girls love their teddy bears, hugging, kissing, and cuddling with them. It is through this that pedobears take advantage of teddy bears. Once the preteen girls get used to their teddy bears, then they will also be open to being hugged and kissed by pedobears.

The Elite Lolidefense Force (ELF)

To combat these scum pedobears and protect the innocent preteen girls, lolis around the world gathered and vowed to protect their sisterhood, thus forming the Elite Lolidefense Force or ELF for short. Composed of combat hardened girls and other elite loli forces, they have vowed to track each and every one of these pedobears and bring to them justice!


Some Prominent Friends of Pedobear 

  • Mark Foley
  • Donald Duck
  • Warren Jeffs
  • Catholic priests, thousands of ’em
  • The Democratic Party

Pedobear Trivia

  • ‘Too old, do not want’ is the pedobear catch phrase when the preteen girl is not a loli.
  • Chris Hansen once caught a pedobear, but it escaped when it feigned its own suicide.
  • The pedobears have been known to have infiltrated the online gambling industry.